[05-13 14:37:54] 来源:http://www.qiuzhi518.com 英语面试 阅读:93764次
概要:没有一个清楚的理由来解释为什么面试变得很失败,有时候,不管你说什么做什么,面试就是失败了。Don't panic -- you can save this interview.别惊慌失措--你还能把面试挽救回来。The first step: Smile. Body language plays an important part in an interview. If you relax your shoulders and give a big ol'grin, you'll feel more comfortable ... and so will the interviewer. Smiling also helps increase your energy and project confidence -- all plusses in an interview.第一步:微笑。肢体语言在面试中能起到非常大的作用。如果你放松你的双肩加上一个大大的笑容,你会觉得更舒服......面试官也一样。微笑能够提升你的能量增强你的自信--这在面试
让求职面试起死回生的五个绝招,http://www.qiuzhi518.comThere are many ways for an interview to go wrong.
You show up late. There's a stain on your shirt. You accidentally insult the interviewer's mother.
All avoidable mistakes.
Sometimes, however, there simply isn't a clear explanation for why an interview isn't going well. Sometimes, no matter what you do or say, an interview just fizzles.
Don't panic -- you can save this interview.
The first step: Smile. Body language plays an important part in an interview. If you relax your shoulders and give a big ol'grin, you'll feel more comfortable ... and so will the interviewer. Smiling also helps increase your energy and project confidence -- all plusses in an interview.
While smiling is a good start to turning an interview around, there are other steps you can take.
Ask the Interviewer Questions
This is known as the "switcheroo."
If you feel that you just aren't giving the right answers to an interviewer's questions, try changing tactics -- and ask the interviewer a few questions of your own.
If you momentarily switch the focus from yourself to the interviewer, it will give you a chance to regroup and compose yourself. Also, it will make the interviewer do some talking, perhaps giving you a clue to what he or she is looking for.
Be sure to prepare your questions in advance and make sure they are appropriate. Some examples:
* What's your favorite thing about working at this company?
* How would you describe the working environment here?
* What's a typical day like in the department?
* 在这家公司工作你最喜欢什么?
* 你觉得这里的工作环境怎么样?
* 这个部门通常一天是怎么过的?
Get Feedback
If an interviewer seems bored or cold while you're answering a question, all is not lost.
Stop and ask if your answer is going in the direction they're looking for. That way, you can avoid talking about the wrong things and begin talking about the right things.
Maybe you misunderstood the question. Or maybe the question wasn't phrased clearly. That doesn't mean you have to struggle -- just ask the interviewer for some clarification.
If you still feel like the interview is going poorly, ask if the interviewer has any concerns or questions regarding you as a candidate. That way, you can respond to any worries directly.
The key point to remember: If an interviewer is getting bored or appears distracted, cut your answer short and get some feedback.
Flattery Will Get You Everywhere
Everyone likes to feel good about themselves. Even interviewers.
So to put an interviewer in a better mood, offer a compliment.
Say a nice word or two about the company, the office's location, the view from the window -- something that will make the interviewer feel good. Paying a compliment also indicates you are a positive person, an attitude many hiring managers seek in candidates.
Giving a compliment about the company is especially useful, since it will offer you a chance to show that you did research on the company before the interview, proving you're well prepared.
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