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[05-13 14:31:27]   来源:http://www.qiuzhi518.com  笔试题目   阅读:93978

概要: is their advantage and problem? How you would like to design your state machine? 6.Explain meta-stability. How you can fix the problem? 7.What is BIST, and what is the usual procedure of a memory BIST? 8.Suppose you have a signal that need to drive a high fan-out(say 64 inverters). The driver of this signal is the smallest inverter, how you arrange the driver so you can get the minimun delay? Why ? 9.What is the purpose and general flow of design verification? What techniques in your


basic digital logic (15min):
1.Draw a transistor diagram of ~((A&B)+C).
2.Can you use only NAND2 to implement any combinational logic? How can prove it
3.Can u discribe what kinds of gates exist in a normal standard cell library ? And why they are needed ?
4.Please describe how power is consumed in a CMOS digital circuit, and how you can save power?
5.Explain difference between Mealy and Moore mashine. What is their advantage and problem? How you would like to design your state machine?
6.Explain meta-stability. How you can fix the problem?
7.What is BIST, and what is the usual procedure of a memory BIST?
8.Suppose you have a signal that need to drive a high fan-out(say 64 inverters). The driver of this signal is the smallest inverter, how you arrange the driver so you can get the minimun delay? Why ?
9.What is the purpose and general flow of design verification? What techniques in your knowledge are used in design verfication?
10.What is the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignment? What is the difference between wire and register type ?

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