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职场批评 Tackle Criticism

[05-13 14:30:07]   来源:http://www.qiuzhi518.com  礼仪英语   阅读:93967

概要:t up to standard/not up to par.很不幸,您的工作不合格/没有达到要求。Not bad, but there's room for improvement.不是太糟糕,但是还可以做得更好。You need to be more focused.您应该更集中精力。There were gaps in your report. Please be more thorough.你的报告有很多漏洞,请写得更完整些。The boss found careless mistakes in your proposal. Please be more detail-oriented.老板在你的提议中找出了粗心的错误,请再认真细心点儿。Don't raise the devil when you receive criticism, or you may end up being fired. You'd better accept the blame and correct your mistakes受了批评可不能大吵大闹,这样你

职场批评 Tackle Criticism,http://www.qiuzhi518.com

How to Deal with Criticism

Nobody enjoys being blamed. If not appropriate, there may be some quarrel. Nonetheless, criticism is necessary where work is badly done. In fact, there is art for criticizing. Look at the following sentences about criticism and you may use them next time you are in need.

Unfortunately, this is not up to standard/not up to par.

Not bad, but there's room for improvement.

You need to be more focused.

There were gaps in your report. Please be more thorough.

The boss found careless mistakes in your proposal. Please be more detail-oriented.

Don't raise the devil when you receive criticism, or you may end up being fired. You'd better accept the blame and correct your mistakes

I'm sorry.

I was hasty. I jumped the gun.

I overlooked some facts. I'll be more thorough.

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